Vampire Bats plan Video for College Radio #1 – “Back In The 604”!

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Not too long ago, The VAMPIRE BATS reached number 1 at CITR (Vancouver’s College radio station)… mind you, it was due to our inclusion on Northern Electric‘s wonderful compilation CD, “EAST VAN SPECIAL BLEND” and we did have a little help from a few other artists, which included the legendary Pointed Sticks, Polly, Kelly Haigh, Mac Pontaic and Butch Murphy… but in this day in age when airplay is more dependent on the amount of payola a band is willing to cough up, you take what you can get and anybody who knows me, knows I love a good group effort and enjoy a bit of scene building as opposed to condo building! You can grab a copy of the CD here at Northern Electric…

Here’s some great live footage of the Bats performing “Back In The 604” shot by Rod Matheson for his ambitious “Every Day Music” project!

Spurred on by this and the slow burning success of the debut album “Cemetery”, a video is in the works for Mark Henning’s (Combine The Victorious, PURE) EDM remix of the track “Back In The 604”. The Vampire Bats debut EP has received great reviews and more importantly the title track, which is a reworking of a song originally recorded by Canadian Indie pioneers DEJA VOODOO, got an enthusiastic thumbs up from it’s composer Gerard Van Herk! Gerard Van Herk

Review from The Province Newspaper…11103143_831446126930293_3330598952984277271_o VAMPIRE BATS on BANDCAMP!

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